Friday, August 15, 2008



1. P A T I E N C E.

2. P A T I E N C E.

3. P A T I E N C E.

The Teaching

GOD has shown us the Way to obey these Rules.

GOD has been infinitely patient with us, human beings, passing through Janam.

GOD has always forgotten our faults, our crimes, by giving each Atma/Soul/Ruuh, yet another opportunity to work for Moksha/ Mukti/ Salvation, through another Janam.

Whenever, I feel frustrated, I remember GOD in Rule1.

Whenever, I am angry, I remember HIM in Rule1.

Whenever, I feel the pressure to be urgent, in my reaction, I remember GOD in Rule1.

Every time, I convert, a problem/ or a potential problem, into a learning opportunity, and the problem is no more.

Take care, learn, and live in Rule1.

Blessings from The Teacher.

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